Ron, Nicole, and Eliana Cook serving with Faith Missions International in Manta, Ecuador

Monday, August 14, 2006


"Yet I Will Rejoice in the Lord, I Will be Joyful in God my Savior!"
Habakkuk 3:18

Wow! We can hardly believe that we have been in Ecuador almost two months! We hit the ground running when we arrived and I think only now have we begin to slow down enough even to look around and see where we are! Through it all, God has been amazingly faithful and good. We have had our fair share of challenges just trying to survive in the culture, but through the ups and the downs, the mountains and the valleys, God continues to remind us of His goodness, His presence, and His calling on our lives, and in this, we rejoice! We are settled into a house on the outskirts of Manta, and quickly beginning to settle into life here in Ecuador. Ron is doing incredibly well in language school, and working diligently in the afternoons on the construction of the second children's home. It is amazing how much they have completed already.
The children in the first home are doing wonderfully, in fact, the home is now completely full with eight new children coming in the last two weeks! The children range from 3 to 13 and they are all doing very well. Please continue to pray for them as they adjust to a new home, new family, new expectations, and most of all, and hopefully soon, a new understanding of Jesus Christ. We have truly been blessed by all of them more than we could express. Last Saturday we were able to take all of the children swimming, and just get to spend the day loving on them, we all had a wonderful time, and it was a big help in assisting the new kids in their adjustment.
Eliana is doing incredibly well. She has proved to be wonderfully flexible and a blessing to all that meet her. She certainly is a tourist attraction around here! She is finally starting to think walking may not be so bad!
We are very pleased that our attempts to network with the Manta Baptist Church (Hay Vida en Jesus) appears to be going well, and we have recently been invited to help lead at their October youth retreat. We are both looking forward to it!
The June-July teams went very well, and much was accomplished for the kingdom. The youth of the first week spent their time playing "While you Were Out" and redecorating the children's rooms in the home. The kids were thrilled to come home from school and see their favorite colors painted on the walls and new curtains on the windows. The youth team also held a lock in at the church in which we had over 70 youth attend! It was a wonderful time of fellowship and discipleship. The second week was full with a medical clinic in which the doctors saw over 900 patients! God is good and many though coming for physical healing, found spiritual healing as well. Also, the women of the team hosted a women's conference for 80 women. God was incredibly faithful and His presence was in the midst of it all. It was truly a blessing to all involved.
After the teams left, I had a quick trip to the States to see one of my best friends get married, it was beautiful as was my time there with my family. I was extremely eager to get back as right when I left, we were just starting to settle. Please continue to pray for us as we jump into ministry here. Pray that God would grant us wisdom to do what He would have us to do and to serve in every way we can to the people of Ecuador. We cherish your prayers and encouragement, may God richly bless you with more of Himself.

Nicole (for Ron and Eliana too!)


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